Satanic Life Power

By Vexen Crabtree 2000

#satanism #self_development

The individual: hir strengths and weaknesses. How a person cultivates the former and nullifies the latter whilst on the road to becoming a Satanic elite.

1. Strengths and Weaknesses

1.1. Know Your Weaknesses

You must play, debate and fight with your friends. You must test yourself to know your own weaknesses. Every time you test yourself your weakness becomes a little clearer, and therefore, easier to avoid. Every test nullifies potential weakness. The biggest weakness of all is not knowing your weaknesses and leaving them wide open for anyone to abuse at any time. If you value your friends it is advantageous for you to train their skills, too, so that those around you admire you, and those who are not your friends admire you, and those who are your enemies fear you. So far I hope that this is a patronizing lesson in common sense.

1.2. Strength of Strength

A strong, dominant physical appearance can go a long way in your favour. But not as much as one would assume. You find that those who are well built, tall, imposing are frequently subject to a different set of social rules than others. For instance, they are perceived to be strong. This in itself can cause hatred, nervousness or repulsion in other people. It can attract trouble sometimes, rather than avert it.

You cannot really judge how strong a person is from their size. You cannot really judge it from their movements. For those who look strong, a confident air will complete the picture of a brick shithouse, but nervousness or humbleness will then cause others to "see through" you, and then they'll be able to hide their imposed-upon feeling by acting overly aggressive towards you - i.e., if you want to go for the look-strong powerbase then you also need confidence, practice, etc.

Simply "looking" strong is a mixed blessing. You can avoid much trouble if you have confidence, but people can be unpredictable, and you will also attract trouble from people who are themselves stronger. If you look strong, or are big, you are advised to do some proper physical training. A small amount of skill will make you resilient and confident, even if you are not a good fighter.

1.3. Strength of Appearance

Some people can, through their appearance only, exert a lot of influence on the people around them. A nervous young goth will get laughed at by his family, but a confident, outspoken and unafraid goth will receive a different reception altogether.

Smart black clothes, a pentagram and cleanliness is an imposing look. It makes people think that you know what you're about, that you are set in stone.

Sunglasses are a weak spot of goths and "alternatives" and any others, because they hide your eyes. Once your eyes are hidden you add another barrier between yourself and whoever is around you. Although it may air your image, when it comes to direct communication with people taking your sunglasses off is a must. Direct eye contact, i.e., looking them in the eyes as you approach them, move around, is important, it asserts you as a person rather than you as an image. Armed Forces training also instructs that if you want to get people to do what you want, don't wear sunglasses. They hide you, they make you more untrustworthy, less human, more dismissible. Etc. On the other hand, when in open territory they can be useful - to purposely add a non-interference layer between yourself and those who don't know you.

Keeping eye contact with a person makes them know you are concentrating on them, that they are "spotted", and as animals, knowing you are spotted by another animal makes you respect them more. Hiding your eyes allows people to prey on you longer and harder.

If you are "posing" and you make a mistake, your entire image can be broken or enhanced by your response. A nervous, "shit!" response will make it evident that you are faking. A practical, normal, confident rectification will make you appear all the more together.

1.4. Strength of Being

Within Satanism there is no code of dress because Satanic doctrine is self centered. The individual is the most important object in his own life, and as such it is counterproductive for Satanic community to develop a "look". Every person fares differently under different styles, so that each person should find what their own sense of aesthetics allows them to perform best with. A communal "look" or a "in-look" amongst Satanists could never happen, because as a community we are left hand path, and not ones to follow others. There is an automatic rejection of trends that make people have to conform within Satanists, so any "look" that began to develop would be rejected.

Strength of Being is an example of having a strong presence and powerful aura, without any particular style. These are people who others assume "have seen the world", and come across as being bloody good at whatever it may be that they do. There is not a particular "look" in this category, a business man, punk, chocolate-girl (read: tart) or any person can have it. It results from when a person has found their own aesthetic balance, that they do not need to think about their appearance and they're not worried about what it says about them. With this no-concern attitude, anyone can achieve anything once they have settled in their own aesthetic.

1.5. Strength of Nesting

Nesting is when you settle in to an area. Just by knowing the local area, the people in the streets and the flows of events around you, you can command a much greater control. Familiarity will make you much smoother, efficient and powerful. Brooding over a subject (maths, a sport, a person) makes you better at dealing with it later. Getting to know the subject and look around it, finding out information and learning its behaviours are highly advantageous. For example. The worst place you can attack someone is their own home. They will know its layout, location of light switches, location of objects, phones and doors much better than you. Instead, pick neutral ground.

1.6. Strength of Command

Command is when you make people do what you want, or you curb their behaviour in subtle ways over a period of time. All people do it to each other constantly, it is lesser magic. If you are a shadow, your strength in commanding is making people not bother you. If you are dominant, your strength is in directly telling people what to do. Your control comes from your body language and tone of voice, not from your clothes or confidence. Know which type of person you are and which areas you are not good at. Try role playing.

1.7. Strength of Self Interest

This is the binding power of all your strengths and weaknesses: Your ability to employ them to attain success. There are Satanists who are unheard of, unknown and theologically secretive. Strength of Self Interest is in not listening to me, or anyone, and doing what is required to make yourself happy. Get out there are program those computers, repair those cars and build those train sets. As a Satanist myself, I do not expect you to do anything except that which pleases you.

2. Becoming an Elitist: Developing Special Skills 1

Book CoverLaVey instructs his witches and warlocks to develop unique competence and skill in one thing: develop something you're very good at so you can transcend the consciousness of it. Learn to play the oboe, or build a model city from scratch, or learn to draw a horse that looks like a horse. When you learn a skill and claim it as uniquely your own realm, with endless practice you'll be able to do it so well you won't even have to think about it. That's magical meditation, trances, out-of-body experiences, the magician standing in the middle of the Circle and pronouncing the words he alone knows, the use of magician's tools - all the metaphors are there. "This is applicable to music or magic," says LaVey. "When it becomes a form of expression, that's when the auto-pilot takes over and the medium becomes incidental - I lose consciousness of the method or tools.

Once you familiarize yourself with your tools, you should forget about them. It will only throw you off-balance. In all these 'rolling shit into little balls' types who spend hours of time and reams of paper saying nothing, literary masturbation, they concentrate on the vehicle more than what they want to produce. That impedes the end result and defeats the purpose. You must lose consciousness of the medium or mechanics to do the impossible. Like Nijinsky who explained how he gave the impression of hovering in mid-air - 'I just pause when I get up there'. In a child-like way, real magicians innocently do the simplest thing. The objective is all they think about. I just want to make the music the way I hear it. The ends justify the means, and the means become inconsequential.

"The Secret Life of a Satanist" by Blanche Barton (1990)2

Physical exertion, martial arts, piano, music, computer programming, computer games, and many other skills when perfected can become purely emotional and instinctive expressions... when they lose their intellectual aspect, they become pure forces of will, where the imagination can almost make things happen directly, without need to think about the means. It Just Works.

Specialize by first finding something you enjoy, and practicing it until there is nothing more to learn, physically. Continue, as long as you enjoy it, and you will find yourself with a Jewel. A Jewel is something deep within yourself that boosts your self esteem and confidence: It is something you have perfected, that you know you do well. Not many people have jewels... most people, in today's consumerist, pop-culture world, are told they're "equal" and "as good as everyone else" on the one hand, but on the other, they possess no unique skill or talent, no jewels, and are disposable.

That's not to say that jewels make a person indispensable. But they do give a person an inner strength and conviction. Having tasted how it feels to be able to will something to happen and for it to happen without having to work out how your fingers or body made it so, a person gains a real sense of self worth, more than any amount of politically correct egalitarian self-help comments by teachers and role models possibly can. This inner power facilitates a person to want to duplicate the same success, power and competence in all areas of life, social and technical, intellectual and expressive. It is this stage; the inner sense of strength, that will make a person indispensable to those around hir and the culture in which (s)he happens to be.

Rather than merely tell people that they're as good as everyone else, it is better to actually get them to do something useful, to teach them how to use their skills by first teaching them to drop and ignore popular society. Pop society where, because people are stupid sheep for the most part, people have to be consoled and kept docile rather than taught that peer pressure is only a conforming force, not a creative one. The creative forces are much more powerful than the conforming ones and the destructive ones.

Satan is said by some Satanists to represent their loves in life, their hobbies: the internal things that make them happy. For one person, a stable job is Satanic. For another, physical fitness is the most Satanic thing; for another intellectualism is more Satanic than finance or fitness. All agree that failure is unsatanic... so Satan represents the points of life for Satanists. Anton LaVey comments on this and says that if collecting trains is a Satanists' thing, then that is his religious rosary and that is Satan's Will.

"Satanism and Happiness: 3. The Finding of Happiness in the Points of Life" by Vexen Crabtree (2002)

Freethinking, fit and capable: the elite are somehow better than other people. They have an edge. They seem to know something that others don't. Elitism is not specialisation, and although all specialize and excel in something in particular, the elite can maintain their own in nearly all circumstances and situations. True, confident and knowledgeable (both about the world and their own shortcomings), the elite are rarely caught off guard or easily led astray. The Church of Satan is elitist. Although in practice some Satanists do not care too much to compare themselves to others in such a forceful way as to say they're elite. Yet in behaviour even humble Satanists prove themselves worthy of their title.

"Satanism and Elitism: The Alien Elite: 1.1. The Ubermensch, Superman or Overman" by Vexen Crabtree (2002)

3. Stepping Back From Society to Become a Master3

Satanism is for some the key that enables them to realize their potential as powerful people. The trick is to rise above the shackles of your own society and upbringing, to become an alien to society, yet still of course remain an active part of it. If Human society is a jigsaw of ideas, then the top 5% are those who can step back and see the whole picture, rather than the rest of the players who are limited to their own particular roles in their own particular positions, and who can't function anywhere else but in their place. The life of the untermensch, whether or not sometimes he gets a glimpse of the whole picture, is forever limited until they learn to escape.

4. Psychosomosis: Strong Wills and Good Health4

#health #hypnotism #meditation #nocebo_effect #placebo_effect #psychology #psychosomosis #self_development

Subconscious psychological factors can lessen or worsen some symptoms of disease, as our immune system and other bodily functions are effected by our moods and expectations, sometimes with greater effects than you might imagine possible5. 'Psychosomosis' is sometimes used to mean medical symptoms that derive from purely (subconscious) psychological factors; such as ulcers caused by stress6, but in its wider sense it includes positive effects (e.g., meditation) as well negative. The "placebo effect" describes how suggestion and expectation can have positive results, but the "nocebo effect" is when our mental states can create and worsen symptoms needlessly.

Some good practices can increase the health of individuals (and of entire nations). "Therapists of all persuasions agree that reducing anxiety or anger is the best way to alleviate suffering from psychophysiological disorders"7 and good reactions to stress facilitate long-term health8,9. Maintaining strong willpower, a fighting spirit, and a positive attitude towards your own body help against diseases, including cancer10, because our immune system and our body's maintenance are linked to our nervous system11, and can be affected by emotional factors. Many psychosomatic diseases and somatoform disorders can be avoided (and sometimes cured) through education12. The promotion of critical thinking and hysteria-awareness can prevent symptoms appearing in the first place, although there are many forms of biological disease that cannot be meaningfully effected without medical intervention13.

"Psychosomosis - the Placebo and Nocebo Effects: Curing and Causing Disease with the Mind" by Vexen Crabtree (2008)

I wish to summarize the difference between those who learn to employ reverse psychosomosis and remain strongly healthy, from those who suffer negative, self-blaming, continuous illnesses. The former have strong wills and are in touch with themselves and their own bodies. The latter lack willpower, and have not spent enough time on self-reflection. If they had, they would learn to control themselves, including their own health. Friedrich Nietzsche's philosophy contains descriptions of a kind of superman (ubermensch), who is more intelligent, non-suggestible, stronger and fitter than those around him: Their main success comes as a result of their achieving a creative and unrestrained will-to-power that allows them to express themselves. The others, the masses, the untermensch, suffer guilt, illness, weakness and stifle their own creativeness. It is clear that by employing techniques of psychic self-control on your own body; through simple meditation, deep reflection and confident self-cleansing, you make powerful steps towards strengthening your willpower and breaking the shackles of the slave to weakness within yourself. This slave-self wants to be looked after, to be pitied, to be humble, to be disabled through petit illness, tiredness and apathy. It wants to be low, because it fears being responsible for itself. Through developing stronger willpower in life, not only are these shackles removed, but you learn to help others, repel petit illness and live as if you were not susceptible to petit colds and tiredness, and you become great.