The Human Truth Foundation

Leviathan, the Western Crown Prince of Satanism

By Vexen Crabtree 2001

#leviathan #satanism

Leviathan - Hebrew - twisted, coiled

The Raging Sea
Subtitle to The Book of Leviathan
in The Satanic Bible1


Sexual Desire
The Unknown
Inner Emotion

A great sea monster, sexual desire, from out of the unknown and feared depths. The hidden truth; the hidden and horrible nature of existence and struggle.

A great, powerful creature that continually gathers strength to attack all the world's religions. An unstoppable force from within man.

Leviathan, the great Dragon from the Watery Abyss, roars fourth as the surging sea, and these invocations are his tribunals.

"The Satanic Bible" by Anton LaVey (1969)2

1. Sources

Dictionary of Demons:

In the Bible the leviathan is mentioned in Job 41, Psalm 74:14, Psalm 104:26 and Isaiah 27:1. The word 'leviathan' in Hebrew means approximately "that which gathers itself into folds" or "that which is drawn out". There is much confusion about the translocation of the word in its Biblical context, however, and theologians have to differ about its meaning, though the general idea is that it refers to some huge animal, almost certainly linked with water, as the reference in Job 41 would suggest. In Job 41:1-2 the word might well refer to a crocodile, but in Job 41:15-17, the description is minute the creature appears to be scaled (these represent perhaps his pride) so closely that no air may pass between the scales, which is not true of the crocodile. [...]

The Leviathan of the poet Blake is a coiled sea serpent, in Blake's vision a 'crooked serpent' (which is closer to the Hebrew than any mere crocodile), a symbol of the warring evil in man. Monstrous though they are, Leviathan and Behemoth are said by Blake to be 'erecting pillars in the deepest hell to reach the heavenly arches'.... In a marginal note Blake has Leviathan as king over the Children on Pride.

"Dictionary of Demons" by Fred Gettings (1988)3

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913):

Leviathan \Le*vi"a*than\ (l[-e]*v[imac]"[.a]*than), n. [Heb. livy[=a]th[=a]n.]
1. An aquatic animal, described in the book of Job, ch. xli., and mentioned in other passages of Scripture.
Note: It is not certainly known what animal is intended, whether the crocodile, the whale, or some sort of serpent.

2. The whale, or a great whale. --Milton.

WordNet (r) 1.6:

1: the largest or most massive thing of its kind; "it was a leviathan among redwoods"; "they were assigned the leviathan of textbooks"
2: monstrous sea creature symbolizing evil in the Old Testament

Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary:

Leviathan a transliterated Hebrew word (livyathan), meaning "twisted," "coiled."
In Job 3:8, Revised Version, and marg. of Authorized Version, it denotes the dragon which, according to Eastern tradition, is an enemy of light; in 41:1 the crocodile is meant; in Ps. 104:26 it "denotes any large animal that moves by writhing or wriggling the body, the whale, the monsters of the deep."
This word is also used figuratively for a cruel enemy, as some think "the Egyptian host, crushed by the divine power, and cast on the shores of the Red Sea" (Ps. 74:14). As used in Isa. 27:1, "leviathan the piercing [R.V. 'swift'] serpent, even leviathan that crooked [R.V. marg. 'winding'] serpent," the word may probably denote the two empires, the Assyrian and the Babylonian.

The Devil's Dictionary (1993):

An enormous aquatic animal mentioned by Job. Some suppose it to have been the whale, but that distinguished ichthyologer, Dr. Jordan, of Stanford University, maintains with considerable heat that it was a species of gigantic Tadpole (_Thaddeus Polandensis_) or Polliwig -- _Maria pseudo-hirsuta_. For an exhaustive description and history of the Tadpole consult the famous monograph of Jane Potter, _Thaddeus of Warsaw_.