A Defence of Psychodrama in Satanic Rituals


By Vexen Crabtree 2000

1. An Introduction to Ritual and Magic in Satanism

Magic and ritual in Satanism is mostly self-centered, and most of the time is only explicitly concerned with psychological techniques, psychodrama and advanced social skills. Rare communal rituals are more traditional, concerning altered states of mind as a result of the environmental and inspirational aspects of the ritual. Some Satanists do believe, and practice, actual supernatural magic. Such magic is a matter of cause-and-effect and individual willpower, rather than involving any invented external aspects such as demons or spirits. In Satanism, the self is the sole source of power in all magic and ritual.

"Satanic Ritual and Satanic Magic: 1.1. Magic in Satanism" by Vexen Crabtree (2002)

2. Criticisms and Defences of Psychodrama

2.0.1. Symbolic Acts of Destruction

Criticism: A criticism of the symbolic acts of aggression performed during a destruction ritual is that it is a weak, ineffective and pointless waste of time.

The criticism is short sighted. A typical session of mine would involve the symbolic destruction of an enemy. For the purposes of psychodrama and impressionism the enemy is a current foe who you currently feel aggression towards. As an honest person, the reader will admit that more frequently than not their anger is illogical, unnecessary and probably an over-the-top reaction.

During the decompression chamber for a psychodramatic and symbolic destruction of one's enemies you should normally admit and dismiss the possibility that your anger is ill-justified. The intellectual decompression chamber is increasingly important for ill justified hatred.

The major advantage of the combination of logic dispense and the destruction of a proximate enemy is one of self-control. The release of energy and violent action serves as an automatic toning down mechanism for the illogical behaviour pattern that you would otherwise take with you into the external world.

In many cases the purpose can be for self-expression without the consequences that would be faced if you were to do the same destruction in a physical way. You can remain more level headed, more efficient and more in control if you go through this process of psychodrama.

2.0.2. Embarrassing and Stupid - What's the Point?

Criticism: It is said, even by some Satanists, that all psychodrama does is make you look stupid, or that it makes you look too stupid. People laugh at such a display rather than fear it.

The criticism is insecure. People feel stupid performing certain actions or saying certain things. For example many neophytes and most mundanes cannot say "Hail Satan". All it is is two words, yet people get embarrassed to say it. There are many such things that people are illogically afraid of doing and a psychodrama is a release and training ground for self-confidence and the reduction of such silly embarrassment.

And if people laugh at a psychodrama? If others laugh at you, it is more beneficial, because you are learning and strengthening your resolve, your own power, and as they laugh, they are diminishing the accuracy and clarity of their own thought, making the laughers weaker. Purposefully embarrassing yourself can only be done so many times before you cease to be embarrassed. This path of self-development is the left hand path, the path to self-empowerment and happiness. Once your own embarrassment is gone you can carry that air of confidence in your tasks that gives us our distinctive resolve and awe-inspiring stamina.